Hey does anyone know what to do after getting the crimson pass in the crimson trail quest. I have made it to the jade trail, gone inside the ruins found the king-whatever it's called and nothing has happend. I can't go past the blue fog at the bottom of the jade trail. The game freezes if i use the wines at the right side of the water at the bottom of the jade trail. Did I miss something?
You need to head south east in the Jade Trail, there's a tunnel there that takes you to another set of Ruins where a cutscene with Hitomi and the lotus fairy will play.
idk if it's because i don't fully understand english or because i just didn't get the enigma, but can someone explain what am i suppose to do for the 'Reflection in Crystals' quest in the Jade Temple Ruins (mages academy)?
I need to open the crystal barrier and there's those multiple paths where Hitomi alone is suppose to interact with elemental crystal or whatever and i'm stuck there: i think the lessons in the area give us advice in order to complete the task of chosing which way is the right one, but there again i'm not sure if i'm able to read between the lines of the lessons texts
i hope someone will see this and i wish you all a good day!
yo i have a problem: the difficulty to beat the ruin's 'boss', is it really high and you need to farm for a long time monsters to xp, or is there a feature that i don't understand in fights, am i too dumb to beat it...?
i have yoshiko lvl 10, hitomi 8 isn't it enough? is there a faster way to get xp than wandering in the ruins?
i might just not be used to this level requirement in games, but this seems too hard for me, so i'm asking if it's normal.... thnx :)
nicee. i realised he's really weak to fire so hitomi's fire spell works wonders for it. and the fire scrolls too. a good way to earn exp is also to have hitomi and yoshiko do sexual stuff like interacting with the characters (or horses) with hearts will give exp for those that did the sexual acts individually
So i got the game today real good but i am stuck on the ruins, im still chasing after the goblin with the sword but i have been going through the same places again and again and again, can someone help me please? (If the answer to progress in the ruins was simple you have authority to call me an idiot
have you got the last key? if so then the last place would be the one when at the entrance you're supposed to turn left then go to nearly the end(not the part with the blue, red, green circles) and you're supposed to head down/left when you're nearly at the end and it should lead you to the last door to be open and give you a path to where the thief is at. that path is before the multiple path where there's 2 ways up. hope it helps i can't exactly rmb where it is and perhaps turning right would make it nearer but i got lost doing that haha
Honestly this just confused my peanut sized brain more than it already was, still thanks for trying to help. Too bad there are no guide videos for the game, but it is a game with 18+ scenes so i guess i cant blame anyone for not doing guides.
haha my bad. just try every route on the left and you'll find it. plus its still in development which not many ppl are paying money for i think so i dont anticipate ppl putting a guide on too. i'd liked a guide on all the locations for the dark crystals
Hey so i thought of a way that maybe you could help me without confusing me, i wanted you to tell me what to do from the entrance of the ruins without being to specific, you dont have to do this if you dont want to but i would help a lot, and what i mean with not being to specific is like "Go up, down, (etc)" all you need to do is tell me in which room i should go etc, remember you dont have to do this if you dont want to or dont have the time but honestly without help i will be stuck there for a while, if you help i would appreciate it.
yo i felt a bit stuck too, but i figured out that you can move some stones on the ground by pressing z (or enter) and move toward the black trail on the soil, if you try that on every possible stone block, you should be able to find a way out though don't be afraid of getting lost in the ruins, eventually the path will appear by itself :)
have a problem: the difficulty to beat the ruin's 'boss', is it really high and you need to farm for a long time monsters to xp, or is there a feature that i don't understand in fights, am i too dumb to beat it...?
basically what unUnder said. as long as you see there's black trails on the floors where there are barrels/boxes try moving them to where the black trails lead new pathways can be found that way as well. I can't really rmb which room exactly but from the entrance of the ruin, turn left and don't head to the place where there's red blue green icons on the floor. eventually after moving some barrels around you'll find a room where it only leads to a door and this door will lead you to the rock thingy that will give you access to the thief. ofc needa get the rusty keys too but sorry i can't rmb the locations for the keys
a bug: while collecting the piece for the drawf pieces when on the mini farm area, if the dialogue ends when a chicken were to be on the same spot as my character, then the game will freeze
also a feedback: the button W seem to skip more dialogue faster than X which would've been better if its in a easier to reach position such as shift.
and i suggest for the next update perhaps just pressing X once would be enough to show the whole dialogue in a text box rather than needing to wait for the '...' or commas or only load one sentence at a time. tho holding onto X seem to do the trick but it may skip the dialogue accidentally as it's too fast to be read.
also not being able to move when i want to is annoying. this happens when there are reactions in between dialogues. (not including the ones when the text are still being shown) makes me think i can move but cant as the npcs are still talking but no text box was shown. its a huge pain in the ass for someone that likes to interact with everything. would be better to place the reactions in the end of the chat or don't put any at all. same goes for not being able to move when the pop up banner shows up at the top and voice lines in combat. really annoying and a waste of time
and please include the rules of the starcard games. no idea what is plus, same, all
p.s pressing shift allows you to look at text history so thats helpful
hey i'm new to the game is there any way to edit the difficulty i"ve been stuck with the boss at the ruins its crazy hard i really dk why making it that defficult rho plz help
hey guys so i tried to download the file but it doesnt work and if i try it with itch.io i get the message "tite is hosted on an incompatible third party webiste." someone help me pls
I've been enjoying the game quite a bit, but as i a said before i have been getting stuck every so often which sucks. and at this point i am stuck searching for a way in the glades and i have to help the nymphs or smth but in both cases i have absolutely no idea where to go
Hi! Sorry to hear about you getting stuck. Does the discord link above not work?
Have you reached the top of the Mage's Guild? It should lead to you acquiring the diamond pickaxe, which you can then use to clear the way the the Serpent Tunnel, located either at the Fairy Undergarden in the Sunset Orchard or the secret entrance in the Haunted Woods.
Hey I have been getting stuck about every hours since i ve started this game, I cant join the discord for some reason. So is there another way I can get a walkthrough guide?
Alright, I apologize for the spam here. Everytime I run into a road block in the game, I don't have other options except for asking for help. Is there a guide, official or fanmade anywhere that I can use? Some of these quests seem to have either palceholder or no dialogue at all, so it's hard to figure out where to go sometimes. Sorry again for posting so much.
Feel free to comment here for help as much as you'd like! :] That's why this section exists right? I recommend also hopping into the discord server and use the channel #project_skyward to ask questions or discuss the game <3
I really hope I don't end up figuring this out before I get an answer, but here goes. I've become stuck.
I'm in the haunted woods doing the murder quest. Decided to investigate further, and get a few things and clues. The Brightcap, the message at the bottom of the chest, a note written by a crazy person, etc. From here I seem to be lost, and can't find any other interactables. There's that weird woman coordinating 3 skeletons to dance, but talking to her does nothing. Am I missing something?
I've just been popping potions of hiding and running around touching everything until it runs out, where I load my save and try again.
Trried that with little succes. Must be a step made wrong somewhere I think.
Here what I've done (and whe're I'm still stuck T-T) :
- Go into the graveyard site (looked around a little too and spoke to the guard) - Into the wood I've gone into the hag house buying and talking - Found kiki and talked to her about - Confronted the hag about the murder (it made her angry) - Gone to speak to the guard where I decided to investigate more - Found the shovel wich was the murder weapon
Try checking inside the shack outside the woods. And in a barrel (or some kinda container) that's also outside the woods next to the shack. There's a trigger for progression in both those instances.
OML thanks lol. This is the first time I've ever needed to do that, tyvm for helping me. I was starting to worry nobody would reply and I wouldn't be able to play the new upcoming update. I'll download it rn.
I think it's better to add levels of difficulty, since it's a very big problem to get to the "content" which usually motivates you to play. Even I am a dude who, through SaveEditor, delivered 1000 attacks, very annoyed by the amount of grind content when you need to get somewhere, but before that you will be attacked a bunch of times. The battle with the Boss cave at the beginning is another test I can't imagine how people passed it without SaveEditor. and there is nothing to add even though I do not know English well it was interesting to watch the plot, the CG here is just fantastic, but as I said, the complexity or even the gaps between the best "content" are too large and some people simply cannot overpower themselves to go through the grind and enjoy reward. (if suddenly someone also wants to change the attack to 1000 via SaveEditor, remember after defeating the golem there will be a fight with the demon, do not beat him here you must lose, just press the defense until you lose)
Heyo, got also stuck at the ruin myself (hitting 2 keys at same time wasn't obvious, nor that those blocks are pushable in all instances in the ruins).
Why not have a cutscene after we see the gobu exit the entrance room where MC push by mistake a bloc which open the 2 sides doors (with a prompt after the cutscene indication the key combination for it).
I know that dumb it down a bit, but if many people have this problem, it might be a solution.
uh hey this is my first comment ive tried looking for the answer in the other comments but cant find it im at thedemon queens mines after taking th kings airloom and im stuck at the dragon training grounds im cofused at what i need to do and also the big blue guys just stands there and i took the chest next to him what dod i do?
Been playing the game for a while it is definitly enjoyable and fun. There is humor to be found. However I am stuck in the slums concerning the mold and can't find it anywhere. One half I found in the pile of rubbish in one house yet the other is missing. If it is in the sphinx house in a table I can't pick it up.
Found the mold, during this seemingly endless search I sort of had a long time playing around with the combat system. Though nice I see possibilities to improve it without breaking too much.
One point I noticed is when Hitomi uses magic guard she gets a shield, some MPs and one or two TPs. The player has no way to spend this TP they are lost. Now here is an idea Hitomi get's a temporary stance. The temporary stance ends when a specific codition is met.
One such temporary stance could be spell barrage, the next spell she casts is inflicted on all enemies. The stance ends when Hitomi casts a spell.
Another could be artisan focus, the next spell is has 100% crit chance. The stance ends when Hitomi cast a spell.
An supportive stance could be paralising aura, all enemies can not attack until one of them is hit. The spell ends when one enemy is hit by an attack or a spell.
Now the question is what use would that have. A synergetic.
Yoshiko does a taunt, hitomi magic guard.
Yoshiko goes crusader stance, Hitomi magic guard
Yoshiko does guard, Hitomi throws a heal on Yoshiko.
Yoshiko does a power break, Hitomi magic guard.
Yoshiko does a taunt, Hitomi magic guard.
This could be done until Hitomi has a tps for a stance.
Those are some really awesome ideas :O We're glad you're enjoying it so far- October's update will certainly be adding additional layers to the combat so there's that to look forward to!
We'll certainly be building on Hitomi's combat moving forward.
Hey there. Do you remind where you foudn the two modl by any cahcen ? I found the first one in the house by sheer dumb luck but I can't find the other one. I'm stuck on here it's been days xD
This is my first time playing the game and I really enjoy the game ,but when I play and stuck in the slums, I solved the first riddle, but now I'm standing in front of a closed door. I believe I have to move the barrel onto the plate on the left, but the barrel wont move. Is there something I'm missing or is it a bug?
BTW I really like the art and I'm a bit curious if there are any scenes where Yoshiko being fuck by others. (It is my first comment ever on itch.io)
YO! This is my first comment ever on itch.io; when i get stuck i usually wait for updates or drop the game altogether but i am loving this one so much that i hope to catch your attention and get an answer.
A guy from 6 months ago had my same problem: once i reach the ruins, i am unable to proceed. i have interacted with every nook and cranny and i believe i have to do something with the white stone plates? like moving stones and rubbles on top of them or simply being on top of them myself, dunno; point being, i can't proceed and althought i may not be the BEST gamer in the world, i believe it's due to a bug.
P.S. found the comment of the guy from 6 months ago, i'll just copy paste it here:
"Hey dude yeah I'm stuck, I'm near the beginning at ancient ruins where you gotta find that goblin who took your sword. I've somewhat of explored the cave but can't get any further, I assume to get further I've got activate those white plates, I somehow activated one of them but the others don't do anything just doesn't seem to work I've tried everything to get them to activate but nothing could someone possibly give me a tip please"
Hey! Glad you're enjoying the game. Best way to get tips, guidance, submit bugs, etc. is to join our discord server. https://discord.com/invite/QbdtSZM
That being said, I do recall someone hopping into the server with the same issue though I don't remember if it was bugged or just them missing an object that needed to be pushed. Make sure you're using Z to push objects as the mouse click won't register the action.
If that doesn't work post your save file in the #project_skyward channel so we can play test it.
Wanted to post my feedback from f95zone hopefully the devs can take their time to read it thank you.
The game art is really amazing love the style one of the best i seen for a western game, the game mechanics could use some work like removing random encounters they are annoying.
But my biggest problem with the game is the art content, and I dont mean the quality or the style both are great, but the problem lies in that the MC yoshiko has way too many sex scenes while the others barely have anything this makes the mc outshine the other characters and becomes this boring repetitve cycle of seeing the same character having sex over and over again, I get that the MC should get more sex scenes but in a game like this I feel like the other characters are just lacking and the dev just keeps pumping out scenes for the MC with little to no content or consideration for the other characters in his game
This is a common concern- don't worry, the rest of the cast will get plenty of hentai content aswell! PS is far from complete; we thank you for your patience and for taking the time to play our game!
I'm chasing the Gutter Rat in Ivor, and cant get through the second room, after getting down the rope, there is nothing i can innteract with other then the locked doors, can i get some help?
move the barrel on the gray platform and the first door will open with the key inside to open the second cell, once everything is done move the barrel back into the cell on the right and the exit will open for you
← Return to game
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how do i get the tool to destroy the diamond crystal
Proceed to Act II and get to the top of the Mage's Guild.
I Have the soluce potion of hiding
Hello, I need help for midst the halls of kings, how and where activate the citrine angel? I'm outside the king palace and I Have loot the key
did you ever figure it out? I myself cant seem to find the third statue
I believe this one is out in the garden no? The lower left area of the map, there are two gold switches you can step over and interact with.
Hey does anyone know what to do after getting the crimson pass in the crimson trail quest. I have made it to the jade trail, gone inside the ruins found the king-whatever it's called and nothing has happend. I can't go past the blue fog at the bottom of the jade trail. The game freezes if i use the wines at the right side of the water at the bottom of the jade trail. Did I miss something?
You need to head south east in the Jade Trail, there's a tunnel there that takes you to another set of Ruins where a cutscene with Hitomi and the lotus fairy will play.
(advanced quest problem)
idk if it's because i don't fully understand english or because i just didn't get the enigma, but can someone explain what am i suppose to do for the 'Reflection in Crystals' quest in the Jade Temple Ruins (mages academy)?
I need to open the crystal barrier and there's those multiple paths where Hitomi alone is suppose to interact with elemental crystal or whatever and i'm stuck there: i think the lessons in the area give us advice in order to complete the task of chosing which way is the right one, but there again i'm not sure if i'm able to read between the lines of the lessons texts
i hope someone will see this and i wish you all a good day!
I spent 1 hour trying to beat the first boss is it even possible?
Scorch should make short work of him. Be sure to keep taunt up as Yoshiko and try weakening his attack power with Power Break!
anyone knows how to interact with the horse that has a heart on top?
You can do so after Hitomi joins your party :]
Anyone know where is Lichen Coral?
Basement level of the Mage's Guild!
yo i have a problem: the difficulty to beat the ruin's 'boss', is it really high and you need to farm for a long time monsters to xp, or is there a feature that i don't understand in fights, am i too dumb to beat it...?
i have yoshiko lvl 10, hitomi 8 isn't it enough? is there a faster way to get xp than wandering in the ruins?
i might just not be used to this level requirement in games, but this seems too hard for me, so i'm asking if it's normal.... thnx :)
i've won
it took me time, but i succeed beating the bad guy's ass
nicee. i realised he's really weak to fire so hitomi's fire spell works wonders for it. and the fire scrolls too. a good way to earn exp is also to have hitomi and yoshiko do sexual stuff like interacting with the characters (or horses) with hearts will give exp for those that did the sexual acts individually
oh ok thanks!
yeah i've noticed sexual interaction with the lamia in fights are a good way to get the win fast and easy xp, tho i didnt try with the horses
thank you for your answer :)
So i got the game today real good but i am stuck on the ruins, im still chasing after the goblin with the sword but i have been going through the same places again and again and again, can someone help me please? (If the answer to progress in the ruins was simple you have authority to call me an idiot
have you got the last key? if so then the last place would be the one when at the entrance you're supposed to turn left then go to nearly the end(not the part with the blue, red, green circles) and you're supposed to head down/left when you're nearly at the end and it should lead you to the last door to be open and give you a path to where the thief is at. that path is before the multiple path where there's 2 ways up. hope it helps i can't exactly rmb where it is and perhaps turning right would make it nearer but i got lost doing that haha
Honestly this just confused my peanut sized brain more than it already was, still thanks for trying to help. Too bad there are no guide videos for the game, but it is a game with 18+ scenes so i guess i cant blame anyone for not doing guides.
haha my bad. just try every route on the left and you'll find it. plus its still in development which not many ppl are paying money for i think so i dont anticipate ppl putting a guide on too. i'd liked a guide on all the locations for the dark crystals
Hey so i thought of a way that maybe you could help me without confusing me, i wanted you to tell me what to do from the entrance of the ruins without being to specific, you dont have to do this if you dont want to but i would help a lot, and what i mean with not being to specific is like "Go up, down, (etc)" all you need to do is tell me in which room i should go etc, remember you dont have to do this if you dont want to or dont have the time but honestly without help i will be stuck there for a while, if you help i would appreciate it.
yo i felt a bit stuck too, but i figured out that you can move some stones on the ground by pressing z (or enter) and move toward the black trail on the soil, if you try that on every possible stone block, you should be able to find a way out
though don't be afraid of getting lost in the ruins, eventually the path will appear by itself :)
have a problem: the difficulty to beat the ruin's 'boss', is it really high and you need to farm for a long time monsters to xp, or is there a feature that i don't understand in fights, am i too dumb to beat it...?
basically what unUnder said. as long as you see there's black trails on the floors where there are barrels/boxes try moving them to where the black trails lead new pathways can be found that way as well. I can't really rmb which room exactly but from the entrance of the ruin, turn left and don't head to the place where there's red blue green icons on the floor. eventually after moving some barrels around you'll find a room where it only leads to a door and this door will lead you to the rock thingy that will give you access to the thief. ofc needa get the rusty keys too but sorry i can't rmb the locations for the keys
For the book sea of wrath in the library the first word is a typo, supposed to be souls instead of ouls
and the 0 probably wasn't meant to be there too
Another typo
a bug: while collecting the piece for the drawf pieces when on the mini farm area, if the dialogue ends when a chicken were to be on the same spot as my character, then the game will freeze
Another one
also a feedback: the button W seem to skip more dialogue faster than X which would've been better if its in a easier to reach position such as shift.
and i suggest for the next update perhaps just pressing X once would be enough to show the whole dialogue in a text box rather than needing to wait for the '...' or commas or only load one sentence at a time. tho holding onto X seem to do the trick but it may skip the dialogue accidentally as it's too fast to be read.
also not being able to move when i want to is annoying. this happens when there are reactions in between dialogues. (not including the ones when the text are still being shown) makes me think i can move but cant as the npcs are still talking but no text box was shown. its a huge pain in the ass for someone that likes to interact with everything. would be better to place the reactions in the end of the chat or don't put any at all. same goes for not being able to move when the pop up banner shows up at the top and voice lines in combat. really annoying and a waste of time
and please include the rules of the starcard games. no idea what is plus, same, all
p.s pressing shift allows you to look at text history so thats helpful
and a skip prologue option
hey i'm new to the game is there any way to edit the difficulty i"ve been stuck with the boss at the ruins its crazy hard i really dk why making it that defficult rho plz help
hey guys so i tried to download the file but it doesnt work and if i try it with itch.io i get the message "tite is hosted on an incompatible third party webiste." someone help me pls
I've been enjoying the game quite a bit, but as i a said before i have been getting stuck every so often which sucks. and at this point i am stuck searching for a way in the glades and i have to help the nymphs or smth but in both cases i have absolutely no idea where to go
Hi! Sorry to hear about you getting stuck.
Does the discord link above not work?
Have you reached the top of the Mage's Guild? It should lead to you acquiring the diamond pickaxe, which you can then use to clear the way the the Serpent Tunnel, located either at the Fairy Undergarden in the Sunset Orchard or the secret entrance in the Haunted Woods.
Hey I have been getting stuck about every hours since i ve started this game, I cant join the discord for some reason. So is there another way I can get a walkthrough guide?
Alright, I apologize for the spam here. Everytime I run into a road block in the game, I don't have other options except for asking for help. Is there a guide, official or fanmade anywhere that I can use? Some of these quests seem to have either palceholder or no dialogue at all, so it's hard to figure out where to go sometimes. Sorry again for posting so much.
Feel free to comment here for help as much as you'd like! :] That's why this section exists right? I recommend also hopping into the discord server and use the channel #project_skyward to ask questions or discuss the game <3
There are saves and some WIP guide stuff pinned.
I really hope I don't end up figuring this out before I get an answer, but here goes. I've become stuck.
I'm in the haunted woods doing the murder quest. Decided to investigate further, and get a few things and clues. The Brightcap, the message at the bottom of the chest, a note written by a crazy person, etc. From here I seem to be lost, and can't find any other interactables. There's that weird woman coordinating 3 skeletons to dance, but talking to her does nothing. Am I missing something?
I've just been popping potions of hiding and running around touching everything until it runs out, where I load my save and try again.
A few minutes after I typed this, I found out what I needed to do to progress. So...never mind. I'm a brainlet, ignore me.
I am actually stuick at the same place. Can you give a hint if possible ?
I went outside the woods and back to the Gravesite. Speaking to an NPC there should progress the quest.
Thanks !
Trried that with little succes. Must be a step made wrong somewhere I think.
Here what I've done (and whe're I'm still stuck T-T) :
- Go into the graveyard site (looked around a little too and spoke to the guard)
- Into the wood I've gone into the hag house buying and talking
- Found kiki and talked to her about
- Confronted the hag about the murder (it made her angry)
- Gone to speak to the guard where I decided to investigate more
- Found the shovel wich was the murder weapon
And I'm basically stuck here in fact.
Try checking inside the shack outside the woods. And in a barrel (or some kinda container) that's also outside the woods next to the shack. There's a trigger for progression in both those instances.
I'm wondering when is the development of the pokemon game planned, or will there be plans for this game after Project Skyward is fully released?
I'll definitely be touching Pokemon Hot Pink at some point- but for now there's no plans on an update for it.
can't download , showing undefined build
Download is not active right now because the new version will be out in a week or so
thnx bro
itch.io app doesn't find anything to install, any help?
I think I'm either dumb or blind but I cannot seem to find the download link/button lol. Please help.
Same here strange
You have to download the itch.io application onto your computer
OML thanks lol. This is the first time I've ever needed to do that, tyvm for helping me. I was starting to worry nobody would reply and I wouldn't be able to play the new upcoming update. I'll download it rn.
Is there a mage guild in mirrowood a if there is can you tell me where it is I'm so lost.
When you go south of the jade trail, it should be that building on your right, in the overworld map
I think it's better to add levels of difficulty, since it's a very big problem to get to the "content" which usually motivates you to play. Even I am a dude who, through SaveEditor, delivered 1000 attacks, very annoyed by the amount of grind content when you need to get somewhere, but before that you will be attacked a bunch of times. The battle with the Boss cave at the beginning is another test I can't imagine how people passed it without SaveEditor. and there is nothing to add even though I do not know English well it was interesting to watch the plot, the CG here is just fantastic, but as I said, the complexity or even the gaps between the best "content" are too large and some people simply cannot overpower themselves to go through the grind and enjoy reward. (if suddenly someone also wants to change the attack to 1000 via SaveEditor, remember after defeating the golem there will be a fight with the demon, do not beat him here you must lose, just press the defense until you lose)
Heyo, got also stuck at the ruin myself (hitting 2 keys at same time wasn't obvious, nor that those blocks are pushable in all instances in the ruins).
Why not have a cutscene after we see the gobu exit the entrance room where MC push by mistake a bloc which open the 2 sides doors (with a prompt after the cutscene indication the key combination for it).
I know that dumb it down a bit, but if many people have this problem, it might be a solution.
Also found a bug:
At kana, if you talk again with the priest, asking about the religion's past, suddenly, mc slow down to a crawl for some reasons after the speech.
Thanks for the feedback! Next patch has a little segment that will make pushable objects apparent as a feature to address this issue.
uh hey this is my first comment ive tried looking for the answer in the other comments but cant find it im at thedemon queens mines after taking th kings airloom and im stuck at the dragon training grounds im cofused at what i need to do and also the big blue guys just stands there and i took the chest next to him what dod i do?
Download link is not working for Itch app, or at least for mine. Having fun so far after downloading it in browser.
Been playing the game for a while it is definitly enjoyable and fun. There is humor to be found. However I am stuck in the slums concerning the mold and can't find it anywhere. One half I found in the pile of rubbish in one house yet the other is missing. If it is in the sphinx house in a table I can't pick it up.
BTW I also like the art
Found the mold, during this seemingly endless search I sort of had a long time playing around with the combat system. Though nice I see possibilities to improve it without breaking too much.
One point I noticed is when Hitomi uses magic guard she gets a shield, some MPs and one or two TPs. The player has no way to spend this TP they are lost. Now here is an idea Hitomi get's a temporary stance. The temporary stance ends when a specific codition is met.
One such temporary stance could be spell barrage, the next spell she casts is inflicted on all enemies. The stance ends when Hitomi casts a spell.
Another could be artisan focus, the next spell is has 100% crit chance. The stance ends when Hitomi cast a spell.
An supportive stance could be paralising aura, all enemies can not attack until one of them is hit. The spell ends when one enemy is hit by an attack or a spell.
Now the question is what use would that have. A synergetic.
Yoshiko does a taunt, hitomi magic guard.
Yoshiko goes crusader stance, Hitomi magic guard
Yoshiko does guard, Hitomi throws a heal on Yoshiko.
Yoshiko does a power break, Hitomi magic guard.
Yoshiko does a taunt, Hitomi magic guard.
This could be done until Hitomi has a tps for a stance.
Overall it is just an idea.
Those are some really awesome ideas :O We're glad you're enjoying it so far- October's update will certainly be adding additional layers to the combat so there's that to look forward to!
We'll certainly be building on Hitomi's combat moving forward.
Hey there. Do you remind where you foudn the two modl by any cahcen ? I found the first one in the house by sheer dumb luck but I can't find the other one. I'm stuck on here it's been days xD
Well it is sort of amusing easy and amusing hard, there is this patch of grass which seem to be blocked by fences, it is on this patch.
I'm just going to throw myself iin a river. God. Damn. It. Thanks !
This is my first time playing the game and I really enjoy the game ,but when I play and stuck in the slums, I solved the first riddle, but now I'm standing in front of a closed door. I believe I have to move the barrel onto the plate on the left, but the barrel wont move. Is there something I'm missing or is it a bug?
BTW I really like the art and I'm a bit curious if there are any scenes where Yoshiko being fuck by others. (It is my first comment ever on itch.io)
Let us know if you need anymore help!
Yoshiko will certainly be on the receiving end soon enough ;]
Okay thank you for your reply and I will try to support ya on patreon .This game is fun ,interesting and a bit humor too, the art is good .GOODJOB
YO! This is my first comment ever on itch.io; when i get stuck i usually wait for updates or drop the game altogether but i am loving this one so much that i hope to catch your attention and get an answer.
A guy from 6 months ago had my same problem: once i reach the ruins, i am unable to proceed. i have interacted with every nook and cranny and i believe i have to do something with the white stone plates? like moving stones and rubbles on top of them or simply being on top of them myself, dunno; point being, i can't proceed and althought i may not be the BEST gamer in the world, i believe it's due to a bug.
P.S. found the comment of the guy from 6 months ago, i'll just copy paste it here:
"Hey dude yeah I'm stuck, I'm near the beginning at ancient ruins where you gotta find that goblin who took your sword. I've somewhat of explored the cave but can't get any further, I assume to get further I've got activate those white plates, I somehow activated one of them but the others don't do anything just doesn't seem to work I've tried everything to get them to activate but nothing could someone possibly give me a tip please"
Hey! Glad you're enjoying the game. Best way to get tips, guidance, submit bugs, etc. is to join our discord server.
That being said, I do recall someone hopping into the server with the same issue though I don't remember if it was bugged or just them missing an object that needed to be pushed. Make sure you're using Z to push objects as the mouse click won't register the action.
If that doesn't work post your save file in the #project_skyward channel so we can play test it.
Wanted to post my feedback from f95zone hopefully the devs can take their time to read it thank you.
The game art is really amazing love the style one of the best i seen for a western game, the game mechanics could use some work like removing random encounters they are annoying.
But my biggest problem with the game is the art content, and I dont mean the quality or the style both are great, but the problem lies in that the MC yoshiko has way too many sex scenes while the others barely have anything this makes the mc outshine the other characters and becomes this boring repetitve cycle of seeing the same character having sex over and over again, I get that the MC should get more sex scenes but in a game like this I feel like the other characters are just lacking and the dev just keeps pumping out scenes for the MC with little to no content or consideration for the other characters in his game
This is a common concern- don't worry, the rest of the cast will get plenty of hentai content aswell! PS is far from complete; we thank you for your patience and for taking the time to play our game!
I'm chasing the Gutter Rat in Ivor, and cant get through the second room, after getting down the rope, there is nothing i can innteract with other then the locked doors, can i get some help?
move the barrel on the gray platform and the first door will open with the key inside to open the second cell, once everything is done move the barrel back into the cell on the right and the exit will open for you
should add male player character
Hi, I'm having some issues the the game, the text seems to be corrupted and missing, if anyone has a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated
You should hop into our discord and post screenshots in #ps_bugs