1.10 Burning Heart of Foraminis

Patch Notes
-Updated img>pictures
-Updated img>sv_enemies
-Added Enemies 0095-0099
-NPC Events:
-Added Lilith WIP event to devroom
-Updated Fan’lorn_Forest>Forest[02]: Ushi_Warrior Event
-Added Kadra>Ushi_Ranch: Ushi_Warrior Event (next to Alaria’s house)
-Updated Ivor>Middle Level-EResidence: Selena Event
-Added Dark_Castle[The Dungeon]>[East Hallway]: Azil Event
-Added a save crystal to AlvertonHomeTown because people are fucking dumb and don’t know how to save at books this early.
-Updated Ivor>NorthSlums[02]>Divinity Church (map and events)
Patch Notes
✔️-Updated img>pictures
-Updated img>characters
✔️-Updated img>overlays>shadows
✔️-Updated img>overlays>pars
✔️-Updated img>overlays>grounds
-NPC Events:
✔️-Updated Iron Division NPCs in the Dev Room (the 3 green orc girls)
✔️-Added Valeria event to Ivor_Middle_Level - Entrance (cute lil blonde haired bimbo elf)
✔️-Added Cracked Wall event to Dark_Castle[The Dungeon]>[DungeonCellB]
✔️-Updated Ivorian Prisoner event in Dark_Castle[The Dungeon]>DungeonCellB]
✔️-Updated Syn event in Ivor>Lower_Level - North_Slum[02] tile:2,1
✔️-Added NPCs to Dark_Castle[The Dungeon]>Dark_Castle[Tunnel2]
✔️-Added NPC: Umbral to Ivor>Lower_Level - North_Slum[03] tile:12,9
-Updated Alaria event in Ushi_Ranch
✔️-Updated Selena event in Ivor Middle Level East Residence
✔️-Updated Ivor>NorthSlums[03]>Gypsie Brothel (map, and events)
✔️-Updated Ivor>NorthSlums[02]>Divinity Church (map and events)
✔️-Updated BGM for all Gypsie related maps
✔️-Updated Dark_Castle[The Dungeon]>Dark_Castle[Tunnel2] & [Tunnel1]
(BGM, Events, and Map)
✔️-Updated Dark_Castle[TheD Dungeon][East Hallway] (Dark Apostle Events)
✔️-Updated Dark_Castle[Eraanthe’s Room] (events)
***Updated Ivor>Lower_Level - North_Slum[02] (and its Roof version)
Patch Notes
✔️-Updated img>pictures
✔️-Updated img>characters
✔️-Added Common Event 0036 Meteor Tome: To be used when item ‘Meteor Tome’ is used to teach Hitomi the Meteor spell
✔️-Updated Item: 0052-0058
✔️-Updated Item: 0300
-NPC Events:
✔️-Updated Syn Event (2,1) in Lower_Level - North_Slum[02]
✔️-Updated Thieves Guild > Underground TravelPoint Events
✔️-Added Smelting_Bench to Dev Room
✔️-Added Foraminis Boss_Test
✔️-Added Araina_Test NPC to Dev Room
✔️-Updated Events throughout Lower_Level - North_Slum[03] Gypsie Brothel
Foraminis Entrance
Updated Room1 FL1
Updated Room2 FL1
Updated Room3 FL1
Updated Room4 FL1
Updated Room5 FL1
Updated Room1 FL2
Updated Room3 FL2
Updated Foraminis Ruins (In Detail)
Updated Djinn Boss event
Teleporter events made
✔️-Updated all events and added new ones to Foraminis_Ruins[B2]
✔️-Added Act_II
✔️-Added Mirrowood
✔️-Added Jade_Trail (this connective route will lead you to the Mirrowood overworld map)
-Updated Foraminis
Updated FL1 Room1
Updated FL1 Room2
Updated FL1 Room3
Updated FL1 Room4
Updated FL1 Room6
Updated FL2 Room3
✔️-Updated ForaminisEntrance to have cloud5 fog effect via map notes
✔️-Updated Thieves Guild > Underground TravelPoint
✔️-Updated Almedia Overworld (Lower Right Corner now updated and has transfers for Foraminis and to Thieves guild travel point)
✔️-Updated Almedia Overworld (All accessible areas have a sort of light indicator respectively to show they’re visitable by the player)
✔️-Updated Both Ushi Ranch transfers
Patch Notes
✔️-Updated img > overlays > pars
✔️-Updated img > overlays > grounds
✔️-Updated img > pictures
✔️-Updated img > faces
✔️-Updated img > system
✔️-Updated img > sv_enemies
✔️-Added js state_add_remove_commands_(mv) to js > plugins
✔️-Added Switch 0101 Shadow Walking
✔️-Added Switch 0102 Merlini Secret
✔️-Added Switch 0066 Burning Soul Switch
✔️-Added Switch 0067 Zan Lewded
✔️-Added Variable 0120
✔️-Added Skills
✔️-Updated Skill 0051
✔️-Added Enemy 0101
✔️-Updated Enemies
✔️0034 and 0035 (updated their notes to remove 150% scale)
✔️0008 changed to enemy freeze ability 0062
✔️0001 changed to enemy freeze ability
✔️0091 (updated notes to remove 150% scale)
-Added States
-Updated States
-Added Troops
✔️-Updated Troop 0105
If Possible Please have these common events in their respective slots.
✔️-Updated Common Event 0033 Shadow Walking VFX
✔️-Added Common Event 0037 Shadow Walking Switch
✔️-Added Commo nEvent 0038 Shadow Walking Loop
✔️-Added Common Event 0042 Molt
✔️-Added Common Event 0039 0040 0041 0043 0044 0045 0046 Burning Soul Events
✔️-Updated Common Event 0012
✔️-Updated Armor: 0014
✔️-Added Armor: 0033
✔️-Added Item: 0357
✔️-Updated Item: 0300
-NPC Events:
✔️-Dark_Castle[East Hallway] : Moved over Tarja Event and added transfer beside her to the cell.
✔️-Dark_Castle Tunnel[Tunnel1] Updated South Transfer event
✔️-Dark_Castle Tunnel[Tunnel2] Updated the Orc Mami Events and Zan Event
✔️-Dark_Castle Dining Room: Added Zan event
-Dark_Castle Eraanthe’s Room: Added ur mom’s pussy - K, I ban him
✔️-Middle_Level - Entrance
✔️-Adventurer’s Guild
✔️-Almedia > Abandoned_Camp Added Goblin_Merchant and his camp fire events
✔️-Updated Jade Trail Events
✔️-Updated Ivor_MerliniTent Readable Events and Magic Lamp Event
✔️-Updated Araina_Test Event in Dev Room
✔️-Added Irina_Test Event to Dev Room
✔️-Added Araina Event to LowerSlums[02] > Dwarven House
✔️-Added Haunted Mansion events and rough transfers to connect all hallow’s eve interiors
✔️-Added Crystal_Waypoint_Test to Dev Room
✔️-Added Debuff_Counter event to Dev Room
✔️-Added Lene and Yelf to the adventurer’s guild main room uvu
✔️-Updated Merlini’s Tent Events (All ;])
✔️-Updated Moalla_Coast Map Notes
Moalla Coast
✔️-Updated Divinity Church BGM Theme_-_Hearts_Cry
✔️-Updated Divinity Church Events (all ;])
✔️-Updated Abandoned_Graveyard Map Notes
Abandoned Graveyard
✔️-Updated the entrance to the Haunted Woods
✔️-Updated Brothel Map Notes
✔️-Updated Gypsy Events in Brothel
✔️-Replaced bottom left Gypsy with a Wastewanderer
✔️-Removed bottom right Gypsy
✔️-Updated Gorakna Event in Brothel
✔️-Updated Crown of Flame Warding event
✔️-Updated Ruby Amulet event
✔️-Updated Fire Djin Event
✔️-Updated Meteor Tome event
✔️-Updated Chest Loot Event
✔️-Updated Dwarven Insignia Loot Event
✔️-Updated Jade Trail Map Notes to pull from par/ground 260
✔️-Updated Merlini’s Tent Map Tiles
✔️-Changed Kadra Inn songs to FW-Dungeon3
✔️-Updated Jade Trail Map (copy paste the map terrain)
✔️-Added Haunted Mansion map, to connect all hallow’s eve interiors to
✔️-Changed BGM for Foraminis_Ruins B1 and B2 to FW-Field1_loop 90% vol 70% pitch
✔️-Changed BGM for Jade Trail
✔️-Changed BGM for Adventurer Guild/Room 1 2 and 3 to Town_Town_Square
✔️-Update NorthSlums[02]with block tile
✔️-Update NorthSlums[02]Roof
-Updated Foraminis_Ruins B1 and B2 ground terrain (so that the floor damage only affects you where it’s supposed to.
✔️-Updated North Slums North Slums[02] and North Slums [03]:
✔️Map Level Notes
✔️Assigned Number Tiles for Encounters
✔️-Updated ForaminisFL1 Room 2 3 4 5 6
✔️Encounter Rate to 40
✔️Map Levels Notes
✔️-Updated ForaminisFL2 Room 6
✔️Encounter Rate 30
✔️Assigned Encounter Tiles
**Updated Map Levels Also for
-Foraminis Entrance
✔️-ForaminisFL2 Room 3 and 4
**Also Added Encounter Tiles for
✔️-ForaminisFL2 Room 6
✔️-Updated Foraminis Ruins B1 and B2
✔️-Map Levels Notes
✔️-Assigned Encounter Tiles
✔️-Encounter Rate 30
✔️-Updated Jade_Trail
✔️-Map Levels Notes
✔️-Assigned Encounter Tiles
✔️-Encounter Rate 30
Patch Notes
✔️-Updated img > system
✔️-Updated img > overlays > grounds
✔️-Updated img > overlays > pars
✔️-Updated img > characters
✔️-Updated img > sv_enemies
✔️-Updated img > pictures
✔️-Updated Enemy 0033, 0017, 0062, 0063, 0093
✔️-Updated Enemy Notes for Enemies 0102-0106 (Border Fight Enemies)
✔️-Added Enemy 0108, 0109, 0110, 0111, 0112, 0113
✔️-Updated Common Event: 0034
✔️-Created Common Event: 0048
✔️-Created Switch: 0300: Polymorph Learned
✔️-Created Switch: 0301: Missing_Girl
✔️-Created Switch: 0302: Missing_Guard
✔️-Updated Common Event: 0033: Shadow Walking VFX BRUH
✔️-Updated Common Event: 0036
✔️-Updated Common Event: 0015
✔️-Added Troops 0133-0140
✔️-Updated Troops: 0117
✔️-Updated Skill 0072
✔️-Added Skill: 0077, 0078, 0079
✔️-Added State: 0056, 0057, 0058
✔️-Added Items 0360-0363
✔️-Added Item: 0364
✔️-Updated Item 0358 Reforged Key to a Key Item
✔️-Updated Weapons 0005, 0007, 0009, 0012, 0013, 0014
✔️-Updated Item: 0300
✔️-Updated Item: 0302
-NPC Events:
✔️-AprilSceneIntro / AprilSceneRepeat Updated AprilIntro> LewdSceneRepeat Event
✔️--Middle_Level Ivor > Updated Sylvia Event
-West Boulevard Ivor > Updated Merlini Event - ???
✔️-Ushi Ranch > Remove the old transfer
✔️-Ushi Ranch > New Transfer is the North one my nigga
✔️-Ushi Ranch > Updated Alaria Event :]
✔️-Ushi Ranch > Updated Annie Event :] (oops can you make her not walk random?)
✔️-Ushi Ranch > Updated Barn_Door Event :]
✔️-Ushi Ranch > Added cute cow to the ranch uvu fgt
✔️-NorthSlums[2] > Updated Pork Shop NPC
✔️-Added Weather Event to top left corner of Divinity Church
-Ivor_MerliniTent > Updated Merlini Event - ???
✔️-North Slums > Stable added new event and updated Horse event
✔️-Haunted Woods > Removed blocking event and updated Transfer that leads to the haunted mansion
✔️-Haunted Mansion > Updated all events
✔️-NorthSlums[2]Roof > Updated Thief event at coordinates 34,6 so that it disappears after encountering it
✔️-NorthSlums[2] > Building 5
✔️-NorthSlums[2]Roof > Updated chest event and moved it
✔️-NorthSlums[2] > [3] Direction fix for swords event
✔️-NorthSlums[3]Roof updated event 31,7
✔️-NorthSlums[3] updated tiles where it drops you so you don’t get stuck
-NorthSlums[3] > Dwarven House 2 , weapon merchant stock added
✔️-NorthSlums[3] updated Gypsy Brothel Transfer Out to In
✔️-Brothel, added weather event to the top left corner
✔️-Brothel, added exit transfer -.-
✔️-Lol removed the chest that’s infront of the counter near the Brothel Manager bruh
✔️-Updated Haunted Woods to 50 encounter steps
✔️-Updated Moalla Coast Map Notes, Trooplist, Battlebacks, Range Tiles and Encounter Steps to 30
✔️-Updated Jade Trail Troop List
✔️-Updated North Slums 1, 2, 3 Troop Lists
✔️-Updated North Slums 1, 2, 3 Encounter Steps to 30
✔️-Updated Ushi Ranch map tiles
✔️-Updated Ushi Ranch Map Notes (added Map Levels)
✔️-Updated Ushi Ranch BattleBacks
✔️-Updated Fan’lorn_Forest Forest[04] - Inside Troop List
✔️-Haunted Woods : removed the crystal tiles
✔️-Hallow’s Eve - Inn Room 1 and 2 updated BGM to Town_-_Grand_Cathedral
✔️-Haunted Mansion - Changed BGM to Town_-_Grand_Cathedral
Patch Notes
✔️-Updated img > characters
✔️-Updated img > pictures
✔️-Updated audio > bgs
✔️-Updated img > sv_actors (Miitra_Combat2)
✔️-Added variables from previous patch
✔️-Added Variable: Immortal
✔️--Added Rain BGS_Switch: 0303
✔️-Updated Mesmer Class
✔️-Updated Actor Mii’tra (to use new sv_battler)
✔️-Updated State 0055
✔️-Added State: 0059
✔️-Added State: 0060
✔️-Added State: 0061
✔️-Added State: 0062
✔️-Updated State: 0028
✔️-Updated State: 0037
✔️-Updated State: 0030
✔️-Updated State: 0029
✔️-Update State: 0003
✔️-Updated State: 0020
✔️-Updated State: 0037
✔️-Updated State: 0012
✔️-Updated State: 0014
✔️-Updated State: 0038
✔️-Added Animation 0152
✔️-Updated Animation 0141
✔️-Updated Skill 0051: Sphinx Claw
✔️-Updated Skill 0049
✔️-Updated Skills 0077 0078 0079
✔️-Updated Skill 0045
✔️-Updated SKill 0048
✔️-Updated Skill 0050
✔️-Added Skill 0085
✔️-Added Skill 0086
✔️-Added Skill 0087
✔️-Added Common Event 0050 FrostBurn
✔️-Added Common Event 0051 Eema’s Prayer
✔️-Updated Common Event 0012
✔️-Updated Enemy: 0107 Magma Guardian
✔️-Updated Enemy: 0060 Angelic Sentry
✔️-Updated Enemy: Blue Ogre
✔️-Updated Enemy: Minotaur Heretic
✔️-Updated Armor: 0014
-NPC Events:
✔️-Updated Foraminis > Entrance Save Crystal
✔️-Haunted Woods > Added Titlecard event to top left of map
✔️-Ivor > Added Titlecard event to top left of map
✔️-Moalla Coast > Added Titlecard even to top left of map
✔️-Foothills > Added Titlecard event to top left of map
✔️-Mysticruins > Added titlecard event to top left of map
✔️-Lower Slums > Added titlecard event to the top left of map
✔️-NorthSlums[03] > Updated Weather event at top left of map
✔️-NorthSlums[02] > (Metalwork shop) Updated Weather event at top left of map
✔️-NorthSlums[02] > Divinity church, Updated Weather Event at top left of map.
✔️-NorthSlums[03] > Brothel, Updated Weather Event at top left of map
✔️-Brothel > Updated Lilith Event to use her picture where her dong is put away.
✔️-Foraminis Ruins > updated Magma Guardian Event
✔️-ForaminisFL1 Room5 : updated event
✔️-Foraminis_Ruins B1
✔️-Foraminis_Ruins B1 updated door
✔️-Foraminis_Ruins B1 updated Angel Sentry Event
✔️-Foraminis_Ruins B1 updated door
✔️-Foraminis_Ruins B1 Updated all Magic Chests
✔️-Merlini’s Tent > Updated Skyward Portal event
✔️-Merlini’s Tent >
✔️-Prologue[Cut Scenes] > EraantheCutscene[03]: Updated Eraanthe event (it was using her old sprite)
✔️-Intermission - Dark_Castle > Dark_Castle[Throne Room]: Updated Eraanthe event(at coordinates10,5) it was using her old sprite
♥️Hentai Event Audio Updates♥️
✔️-Updated Both April Scenes, Intro and Repeat (Now have audio)
✔️-Updated Both Sylvia Scenes, Intro(park) and Repeat(house) (Now have audio)
✔️-Updated Ushi Ranch Alaria Event (Now has audio)
✔️-Updated Gorakna Event (Now has audio)
✔️-Updated Umbral Event (northslums[03]) (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Araina Event (Dwarven house) (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Intermission - DarkCastleEraanthe Lewd Event (Now has audio)
✔️-Updated Azil’s Aury Lewd Event (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Chikara Lewd Event (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Witch Lewd Event (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Zan Lewd Event (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Kiki Lewd Event (haunted woods) and Repeat (common event)
(now has audio)
✔️-Updated Lantern Queen Event (now has audio)
✔️-Updated Divinity Church Confessional Booth Event (now has audio)
-Updated ForaminisFL1 > Room4,
✔️-Spooky Kadra > The Dead Traveler BGM Set to 25%Volume / 95%Pitch Town_-_Grand_Cathedral
✔️-Spooky Mansion - Set BGM to Tears of Sorrow : 70% vol 80% pitch
!@#$% !@#$%! !@#$%!
Get Project Skyward
Project Skyward
Futanari Hentai RPG Adventure
Status | Released |
Author | Skyward Foundry Dev |
Genre | Role Playing, Adventure |
Tags | Adult, beast, Fantasy, futanari, Hentai, JRPG, milf, RPG Maker, Turn-Based Combat |
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